Reconstruction Begins in Haiti!

Today Jean Paul reported that his building contractor, Jean Raphael Ceon, has begun removing debris from our orphanage/school/church compound. Also, thanks to your generous gifts over the past few days since the earthquake, we were able to make it possible for Jean Paul to begin rebuilding the wall around our orphanage compound.

The Haitian government requires us to maintain a wall in order to keep our license to operate an orphanage. Also, the U.S. Marines have offered to use our compound as a distribution site for emergency supplies should we rebuild our wall.

Most importantly perhaps at this crucial time, rebuilding the wall will give concrete, tangible hope to our Haitian family—hope that we indeed stand with them and will partner with them to move then forward toward a brighter future.

We have now received donations and offers of other assistance from places as diverse as Washington State, Toronto, Canada, and Trinidad! Please continue to support our work in Haiti and tell others. Send them to our website:!