Pastor Marcel Tirailleur, one of our first Bible college graduates and a dedicated teaching elder who faithfully shepherded the Canaan Tent City church plant for several years, passed away last week from what is believed to have been a liver disease. Marcel leaves behind a wife and five children. We join our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ in mourning the passing of this faithful servant into glory. At the same time, we are also concerned with the family he has left behind. Haiti is a difficult place for anyone to find a job, and with younger children involved, it will be some time before Marcel’s widow or the older son may be able to work. There is a need for approximately $500 per month to sustain this family through these difficult times. Thanks to a few donors, the $4,100 funeral costs are almost covered. Please keep this family in your daily prayers and help if you can. Pastor Jude, another of our Bible college graduates, has been installed by Rev. Jean Paul to labor as Marcel’s replacement at the Canaan church plant. Fellow Bible college graduate Osseille Joseph has recorded a brief appeal on behalf of the Tirailleur family.