May Was a Busy Month of Ministry in Jacmel

Despite all of the chaos, devaluation of the Haitian currency, and very danger for Haitians when traveling outside of their own neighborhoods, the local congregation in Jacmel, on Haiti’s south coast, have been busy in doing the work of the kingdom. Ministries include home visitation, youth leadership development, spiritual and cultural gatherings, evangelism, and evangelistic services open to the wider community. We give thanks to God that despite the very real dangers and severe deprivations faced by our Jacmel brothers and sisters, they continue faithfully laboring to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Rev. Raphaël Maxito, the lead pastor for the Presbyterian church in Jacmel, has created a newsletter focused upon all of the ministry going on in his area through the church he pastors. Read on, or download the printable pdf.


Report of Activities Carried Out During the Month of May (from 1st to 30th) By Rev. Raphaël Maxito

Four Home Visits to Some Members of the Church

These visits were carried out by some of the members of the local Church Council, of the Committee of the “Women-Solidarity” group and of the youth. Through these missionary visits, we visited 15 families living in the neighboring areas of the Church. We encouraged them in their profession of faith, and we prayed for those who were sick. These visited families were really happy with this rapprochement between the members of the assembly. We wish to continue with these kinds of visits.

Two Formation Sessions for the Youth of the Church

These training sessions which concerned the members of the youth committee were centered on the “Systematization of Reunion.” During these, the participants learn how to fulfill their tasks in relation to their function, how to choose the meeting frequencies, how plan, prepare and present an activity and an event and even draw up a report of the activities. The committee proposes to return these training sessions to the remains of the other members of the youth.

Two Spiritual and Cultural Activities Carried Out by the Youth of the Church

These activities were carried out in order to create life, animation within the members of the youth and the children of the Church. These allow them to connect together while releasing their friendly and fraternal emotion.

Two Training Sessions on Evangelization for Some Members of the Church

These sessions are very often renewed in the Church because of new members that the Lord adds to the community. These evangelical trainings made the participants aware of the need to save lost souls through the proclamation and preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Door-to-Door Evangelism

Members of the local Church council, of the “Women in Solidarity,” youth committee, headed by the Pastor, had gone out to evangelize sinners, so that some of them might be saved by God. 21 houses have heard of Jesus Christ, through our announcement of the Gospel. But none had come to repentance that day. However, we prayed that God would continue to work in their hearts to save His chosen ones at the appointed time. These regular outings contribute to the physical growth of the local Church.

Three Days of Exhortation and Evangelism Services

The Presbyterian Church of Jacmel held 3 evenings of spiritual services to exhort members to walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which has reconciled us to God. These services, which had the theme: “Since God Has Taken the Initiative to Reconcile Us with Him, Through Jesus Christ, Let Us Also Be Reconciled with Him,” (2 Cor. 5:18-21) will spark a revival in the spirit of the faithful. During these three evenings, those who have not yet received Christ find a way to hear about this Savior.


This conference, which was entitled, “Let Us Share the Feelings That Was in Jesus Christ,” (Phil. 2:5ff) was yet another opportunity for believers to know how to make their faith alive through good works. They learn to love God, and their neighbor, to be obedient, and to serve others in humility for the glory of God, while imitating Christ.


The participants interact for 40 minutes over 2:30 during this conference. They really enjoyed this moment.