A few years ago, Linda Maphet, a local, professionally trained and gifted portrait artist, donated a large canvas painting for Reformation Hope to auction for the benefit of the mission in Haiti. Thanks to Linda’s generosity and commitment to our kingdom work, she has again come forward with not one, not two, but three beautiful original paintings featuring Haitian themes. Linda is going to donate the proceeds from the final auction selling prices of these three works to Reformation Hope. Our plan is to put these paintings up for auction through eBay in the hopes that others beyond our partner network will also have the benefit of seeing them and joining in on the bidding. We will notify our faithful partners before the paintings are live for bidding. We estimate that they will be listed beginning on September 15 and will close no later than October 15. For the time being, we have provided you with a preview here of the three paintings. They will soon be on display at Hope Presbyterian Church in Marietta, Georgia, and you are invited to schedule a viewing should you desire to see these magnificent works in person prior or during the bidding. The final selling price (less any auction and wire fees) will be given to Linda, who will then donate the proceeds to Reformation Hope. In this way, the proceeds from the donated artwork will be handled in a transparent way for Reformation Hope’s reporting requirements.
A little background about the three Linda Maphet paintings: The one of mother and child (24″x30″) is from a photo that Linda took when we accompanied Madame Claude up north, and the young woman in the picture later offered to sell her the child! The 14″x11″ was based upon the girls in the New Joy House orphanage at play. The smaller picture (8″x10″) is of one of the orphans at the New Joy House acting goofy.