We are delighted to report to you that our Bible college in La Plaine resumed classes this week with Dr. Louis Ferreira, from Teaching Missions International, engaging the class with Biblical Theology I. Our plan is to conduct regular classes throughout 2020 as the timing and availability of professors will allow. Rev. Ted Lester, our own Reformation Hope board chairman, is also scheduled to teach this spring. This is our second group of 20 students. Our first group, who graduated two years ago, are currently serving in churches throughout Haiti, including two very strategic locations on the island of La Gonave and in the southern coastal town of Jacmel. One graduate recently planted a church in Cap Haitian as well. Please pray for this new group of students, who will greatly multiply our kingdom reach into more areas in Haiti. You can help train a Bible college student for $85 for a full one week intensive class. Photo by Jacky Philador.