Despite the difficulties and the dangers of traveling from place-to-place in Haiti at the present time, Pastor Osseille, senior pastor of the Presbyterian church in Marin, took a group with him and conducted theology training in February for Haitians involved in the church in Mirebalais. This is an important city located about 50 kilometers to the northeast of our main compound. Osseille reports that 56 people came to his multi-day training event and that they are most eager to have him and his team return again soon. Pastor Osseille plans to conduct three more such training seminars for other churches in the church network in 2021, as political and travel conditions permit. If you would like to sponsor one of Pastor Osseille’s training events for local churches, his team is able to conduct a 2–3 day training event for about 50 people for less than $500. Simply use our EasyTithe or PayPal links and add a notation: “Theology Seminar.”