About two weeks ago, Rev. Jean Paul was traveling back from the border area in the east of Haiti and was stopped along the roadway by a group of five young men, armed with guns. They were stopping anyone who approached in a presentable vehicle and robbing them at gunpoint. Jean’s wallet and passport, along with the identity badge he carries, were taken from him and held while he was searched. The young men only stole $19 (U.S.) from Jean, as that was all he was carrying at the time. They returned his empty wallet and his passport (thank God), but threw his expensive badge into the nearby salt lake which demarcates the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We praise God for delivering Jean from physical injury or worse during this most recent example of the increasing violence and lack of order in the country. Please keep Jean in your daily prayers for continued protection for him and for all those who labor for the kingdom with him, as well as for a more stable political situation and an ethical government. Obviously, things have been extremely difficult for Pastor Paul and the strain on our resources to help him has also been challenging through the slower summer months of giving. Reformation Hope and Souls Winning appreciate any additional support that you may be able to provide this month and in September to further the essential work in Haiti.